Sunday, November 6, 2016

I Call Them My Miracle Clients

Seriously, miracle. I had a scheduled shoot on that beautiful Saturday.
Much to my disappointment, my clients didn't bother to show up (which is why I will soon require a deposit). As I walked around hoping to see my clients, I stumbled upon this gorgeous family taking pictures of themselves with their canon. I thought, I'll go offer my services and get to work rather than go home (don't get me wrong, I love being home. I just need as many sessions under my belt as I can get). They graciously accepted my help! And we got to work. & here they are..

Thompson's at Vivian Park

When our intended location fell through, we decided on Vivian park. Luckily, I had experience at the location, which allowed us to work quickly and effectively! We made use of our hour session and got some great shots for this family to have for generations to come! Beautiful babies, beautiful family!

Haight Family Session

Taking photos of families with young children can be a very difficult task and had been for me. Thankfully these guy's little Briella was a charm! Thank you guys for working with me and being great models! I hope you LOVED your photos!

Beautiful Shelley Family

Tina and Steve are naturals. They were pretty much born to be models. Sadly, the nursing industry took Tina and even sadder, the Comedy industry took Steve. I am just grateful that they can take a short time out of their busy lives to grace us with their model faces for these beautiful images. Tina and Steve, you are my Zoolanders and these look so natural..

People of the world, you're welcome.

In all seriousness though, I love you guys! Thanks for hitting me up for your family session!