Friday, August 18, 2017

Milk Bath // Tub

I have seen a lot of these milk bath session, some with babies, but mostly with pregnant women and I have to say, they always look aaaaaamazing.  I obviously had to give it a go. I aimed to photograph with my baby, but she hates being on her back in the water, so I photographed my awesome toddler instead.  Since work has been a little slow this month, I'm trying to "stay in shape" by using my camera at least thrice a week.  So far, its been going well! I hope I can get some sessions booked soon though! 

Lets talk a little about this milk bath.  Super easy. If you're wanting to do one yourself.  I filled the tub about 1/4 of the way. Then poured in approximately 3 cups of milk. I bought 2 sets of flowers at Walmart (~$10) cut the flowers off the stems and some leafs and put those in the milk-y water. I used an old scarf-like thing to cover my daughter because she didn't have a cool lace-y dress.  Overall, I loved what we created! 

Enjoy our photo session! 

See you again soon!

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Random // Cents of Style

I learned of this place recently and knew we had to go there!  It's just a tall wall, but the images that one can create there, perfection.  If you're ever in Draper or nearby, you should stop by the giant, colorful wall!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Maternity // Train // Dunes

Okay so most of these were taken in random spots of Eureka. Our plan was to go to the Young Living lavender farms, but after arriving and realizing everything had been harvested, we had to come up with a backup plan.  Little Sahara was sort of close and I had been wanting to shoot there.  I finally convinced my sister to head that way although she wasn't very happy about it.
I looked the location up on my Maps for iPhone and it wasn't a successful route. It took us on this little dirt road we were sure we would die on. This road was cleary meant for 4x4 trucks only. Four girls in a little white ford laugh-crying the whole way hoping we didn't wet our pants or die.
We finally found a place to turn around and headed back to the main road. We happened to cross paths with a lonesome train that thankfully had an open cart. So we took a few shots in there and on the tracks. The lighting was amazing and the inside of the cart was so artsy! The perfect background. Another train went by as we all did our thing in the cart and it was such a cool experience being four feet away from a moving train. Feeling the wind on our faces from the speed. The empty cart echoing. If you've never done it... go for it!
When we finished shooting there, we headed home on that little road again. Feeling a little depressed about the lavender fields being a bust and not finding a road to the dunes.  Just then, we passed a sign "Little Sahara..." with an arrow. I begged like a small child,"Please, we are sooooo close! Lets go find it!!" My sister agreed and after another 15 minutes of driving, it was like freaking Christmas morning! We had found it. My heart was so happy!  Suddenly my day full of disappointments was all worth it. After reviewing all of the photos, I couldn't be happier about how they turned out. I have a few done now, but I will be adding more!