Friday, August 18, 2017

Milk Bath // Tub

I have seen a lot of these milk bath session, some with babies, but mostly with pregnant women and I have to say, they always look aaaaaamazing.  I obviously had to give it a go. I aimed to photograph with my baby, but she hates being on her back in the water, so I photographed my awesome toddler instead.  Since work has been a little slow this month, I'm trying to "stay in shape" by using my camera at least thrice a week.  So far, its been going well! I hope I can get some sessions booked soon though! 

Lets talk a little about this milk bath.  Super easy. If you're wanting to do one yourself.  I filled the tub about 1/4 of the way. Then poured in approximately 3 cups of milk. I bought 2 sets of flowers at Walmart (~$10) cut the flowers off the stems and some leafs and put those in the milk-y water. I used an old scarf-like thing to cover my daughter because she didn't have a cool lace-y dress.  Overall, I loved what we created! 

Enjoy our photo session! 

See you again soon!

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